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8 Celebrities You Didn't Know Were Once Nurses

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Nursin'g have been considered tough and hardworking since Clara Barton provided care on the battlefields of the Civil War; at one time she took a bullet out of the face of a soldier after the Battle of Antietam.

While Barton is best known for her career as a nurse, many nurses are known for other jobs. For example, during the Civil War, Walt Whitman the poet was also a volunteer nurse. He initially traveled to Washington, DC, to care for his wounded brother, but continued to care for wounded soldiers until the war ended two years later.

Sojourner Truth, an abolitionist, worked as a nurse while she was enslaved. After she ended slavery, she advocated for nursing education as part of the Friedman Relief Society.

While these famous ex-nurses seem relegated to the past, the profession has continued to attract caregivers who later became household names.

Among the (newer) celebrities you never knew were nurses:

Kate Gosselin:

Kate Gosselin is best known for her reality series about her life as a mother of eight children: a set of twins and her younger brother. So it is perhaps not surprising that Gosselin worked as a delivery and labor nurse in Pennsylvania until 2004. And as recently as 2009, Gosselin renewed her nursing license as a supporting profession.

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