Do you really need email marketing?

Do you Really Need Email Marketing?

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You definitely need email marketing if you want to improve your reader or customer experience. Forget the glamor of social media marketing. The focus here is on efficiency, better, click-through rate, greater reach, and better engagement, and more. As many experienced marketers would say, "the money is in the list." Sometimes marketers would even say that "your net worth depends on your network

Let's look at the advantages of using email marketing:

Possible scope:

Are you aware that around 3.2 billion email accounts were created all over the world in 2013? 95% of online consumers make use an email address. A very interesting fact is; 91% of these consumers check their email accounts at least once daily. Today, we surf using our phones more than with our computers. As a result, we get easily notified though our emails. Our phones put notifications right before us.

Today, checking an email is easier than checking a Facebook post or Twitter tweet. This is because when we publish content, a million more people also do the same. For this reason, finding a specific post that you liked 4 weeks ago can be the most difficult task.

Actual scope:

Before explaining this part in more detail, here are some interesting numbers. In the first half of 2013, research carried out using email as a marketing channel uncovered some surprising facts. What stands out the most is this; about 18% of emails sent during an email campaign with an email marketing tool never reach the inbox of their destination. Around 4% of emails sent are sent to the spam folder. This means that 22% of the emails sent never reach the intended recipient.


About 78% of the emails sent during an email campaign on the other hand, reach their destination. Look at it in this manner, if you send 1,000 emails, 780 emails will get to their destination. Additionally, 91% of recipients check emails on a daily basis. This implies that about 709 recipients will get your email. This is very efficient, as about less than 30% of sent emails are lost in transit.

ALSO READ: Email Marketing for Success

Now, let's compare these figures with the numbers from a Facebook campaign that was implemented in the same way. The research revealed that 74% of Facebook posts are actually lost within the large content stream. It's a problem. This means that for every 1,000 Facebook posts sent, 740 are lost in the content stream. This leaves us with 260 posts which our target readers will see. Another down side is that everyone who sees your content will not click on it. Less than half will do. This leaves us with less than 130 people will be genuinely interested in our offers.

Click Through Rates:

Earlier, we talked about the percentage of people who see your posts and emails and may like it. Now let's look at the people who actually complete the procedures and do what you expect of them. Let's say you click on a link which could take them to a website or landing page.

Click-through rate is the percentage of individuals who receive your message and will actually click through. A tweet has a click-through rate of 0.5 percent versus 3 percent for an email. These numbers may seem small at first. But it does mean that people click an email link 6 times more than a Twitter link.

Let's continue with our example of 1,000 social media posts and 1,000 emails. A CTR of 0.5% means that for every thousand, only 5 people will actually click on your link. This is true for social media. Click-through rates are sometimes higher, but these are special cases. The numbers used here are averages.

A CTR of 3% with emails means 30 clicks per thousand. This is the best CTR you can get on average. Though the numbers are not surprising, but the effective numbers are not always surprising. The difference is that when people give you their email addresses, it is because they actually want to read more emails from you.

Readers want it this way:

First of all, most people make use of social media to connect with their friends. They are rarely used to receive reviews business news. There are specialized sites for that purpose. During an online survey, 77% of users said they would prefer to receive promotional messages in their email boxes. 4% said they prefer to read these messages on social media. This refers to the fact that by sending an email, people literally give you a place for a business meeting.

Also Read:

·        Email Marketing Tips That Work

·        Email Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Emails are Private:

It is easier for the reader to express his problems in private than in public. Not everyone is comfortable when it comes to publicly expressing their flaws. When a user wants to express their struggle and can't meet you, what do they do? Write you an email. This way, they can tell you everything. You can respond to them specifically.


If you want to show your presence online you want to use emails. Also, you need it if you want to improve your reader experience. Starting an email marketing campaign isn't really that expensive. Prices range from around $6 to $20 per month. Some email marketing software like MailChimp offer free limited services for the first 2,000 subscribers.

The use of email marketing is still effective. If anything, kill that lack of communication between you and your subscribers.



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